The Northern Way is one of the most challenging and, because of it, gratifying routes. Along this trail you will enjoy mostly of natural spots rather than urbanized ones.

It is said that in the year 1214 A.D saint Francis of Assisi walked through the Northern Way and stablished a series of Franciscan temples in Galicia.

In 2015 the UNESCO recognized this route as a World Heritage Site. The Northern Camino makes you connect with the nature and your interior because it isn´t very crowded as other routes.

We accompany you from Ribadeo, located in Lugo and a little bit less than 200 kilometers away from Santiago de Compostela. The Northern Way starts between eucalyptus or gum trees and continues with incredible highland postcards.

The route:

  • Ribadeo
  • Gondán
  • Mondoñedo
  • Abadín
  • Vilalba
  • Baamonde
  • Sobrado
  • Arzúa
  • Pedrouzo
  • Santiago de Compostela

Includes: accommodation, luggage transfer, breakfast, telephone assistance, travel insurance, Pilgrim's credential, transfer from the airport to the starting point of the Camino.