Walk to find yourself!

Walk to fall in love!

What is el Camino de Santiago or Saint James Way?

Imagine a breath-taking tour through Spanish valleys, meadows, and forests. You are surrounded by the silence, safety, and harmony of nature. Explore medieval architecture in the morning and enjoy the end of the day with a succulent dish from the Spanish cuisine.

That is just a little taste of what the Camino de Santiago is...

Catedral de Santiago de Compostela

It is an ancient pilgrimage towards the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, in Galicia, Spain

Rutas del camino

There are different routes with different lengths

hospedaje, restaurantes, tiendas, servicios y sanitarios

Along the Camino there are lodgings, restaurants, shops, services and toilets

experiencia espiritual, gastronómica, cultural y física

It is a spiritual, gastronomic, cultural and physical experience

rutas de senderismo

It is one of the most popular hiking trails for its beauty and safety


According to Christian tradition, the remains of the Apostle Santiago were transferred to the Iberian Peninsula by his disciples. In 813 A.D a hermit named Paio, glimpsed mysterious and very bright lights in the forest of Libredón for several nights.

Intrigued, he looked for answers…

  • Vieira
    The hermit Paio notified bishop Toedomiro de Iria Flavia who went with more people to investigate the mysterious lights
  • Vieira
    They found primitive graves of three people. They were the Apostle Santiago and his disciples Theodore and Athanasius.
  • Vieira
    Bishop Teodomiro de Iria Flavia notified king Alfonso II, the chaste
  • Vieira
    El monarca mandó a edificar una pequeña iglesia que, con el tiempo, se convirtió en la increíble catedral de Santiago de Compostela The monarch ordered the construction of a small church that, over time, became the incredible cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.
  • Vieira
    Since then, millions of people have walked to Santiago de Compostela. Today there are many and varied routes depending on the starting point and the places that are covered.

El Camino de Santiago is one of the most recognized pilgrimages worldwide and the most important in Europe. Those who do this Camino are called Jacobean pilgrims.

Since 1990 the popularity of the Camino increased due to different books and films that talk about its landscapes, its benefits, and the opportunities for self-discovery that the Camino offers.

If you walk, at least, 100 kilometers before reaching kilometer 0 in Santiago de Compostela, you obtain a certificate called Compostela. In 2022 more than 400,000 Pilgrims got their Compostela.

Regardless of the number of times you walk this path, the Camino will always be different for each Pilgrim.

Do you want to learn more about el Camino?

Why el Camino de Santiago?